Nooooo..... this page isn't for the band. It's about my weight loss journey.
Let's see.... every since I started jr highschool i started my battle with my weight. I wouldn't say it was much of a battle because I didn't have a disorder of any kind, my body was changing and I started putting on weight... smh.... I was going thru puberty.
By the time I hit high school I was a size 18.. it was pretty hard trying to find cute clothing for myself at that time. Around the end of my 2nd year of high school I started a change, for the summer I was babysitting my cousins so that meant taking them out, we would go to the park etc and I was eating health just because I wanted to. For some reason my family believed it was because of a "boy." Idk what would make them thing that but whatever. Going into my junior year there was a big difference.
I did drop about 4 to 5 dress sizes by graduation, which was a major wow factor for me. it should have been more but I got lazy. College came and went I went up I went down, but now I'm back up. I am upset at myself but I do love me.
At the age 24 going on 25 I have realized I am going to have to make a life style change, one I do want to make but have to. Enough though I'm health I'd prefer to be a size 9/10 than a 16, which should be hard to get to.
So here's my journey if you choose to follow. I hope this inspire you to make a big change in your life.
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